OhMyGoodness.com respects your right to privacy.
OhMyGoodness.com will not sell lists of names, email addresses, or reveal any information about you to anyone for any reason,
except in response to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or in cooperation with investigations by authorities.
By using any of the services of this site, you agree to the site's conditions of use, as they may appear from time to time, including the site's privacy policy.
Any information that you submit to us is for our purposes only and is held in the strictest confidence.
OhMyGoodness.com respects your right to privacy.
OhMyGoodness.com will not sell lists of names, email addresses, or reveal any information about you to anyone for any reason,
except in response to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or in cooperation with investigations by authorities.
By using any of the services of this site, you agree to the site's conditions of use, as they may appear from time to time, including the site's privacy policy.
Any information that you submit to us is for our purposes only and is held in the strictest confidence.